For further information please contact the following:
Ollie McLeod
020 7399 5612
Rachel Meir
07542 862179
Darren Parkinson
07802 889 830
MISREPRESENTATION ACT 1967 - JONES LANG LASALLE (JLL) and Parkinson HOLT for themselves and for
the Vendor. Lessors of this property for whom they act, give notice that: (i) these particulars are a general outline only, for the guidance of prospective purchasers, and do not constitute the whole or any part of an offer or contract. (ii) JLL and Parkinson Holt cannot guarantee the accuracy of any description, dimensions, references to condition, necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details contained herein
and prospective Purchasers or Lessors must not rely on them as statements of fact or representations
and must satisfy themselves as to their accuracy. (iii) no employee of JLL and Parkinson Holt has any
authority to make or give any representation or warranty or enter into any contract whatever in relation
to the property. (iv) prices/rents quoted in these particulars may be subject to VAT; and (v) JLL and Parkinson Holt will not be liable, in negligence or otherwise, for any loss arising from the use of these particulars.
PROPERTY MISDESCRIPTION ACT 1991 - These details are believed to be correct at the time of compilation
but may be subject to subsequent amendment.
Aberdeen Standard Investments is a brand of the investment businesses of Aberdeen Asset Management and Standard Life Investments.
Aberdeen Standard Investments is a brand of the investment businesses of Aberdeen Asset Management and Standard Life Investments.
For further information please contact the following:
Ollie McLeod
020 7399 5612
Rachel Meir
07542 862179
Darren Parkinson
07802 889 830
Brochure PDF
Floor Plans PDF
MISREPRESENTATION ACT 1967 - JONES LANG LASALLE (JLL) and Parkinson HOLT for themselves and for the Vendor. Lessors of this property for whom they act, give notice that: (i) these particulars are a general outline only, for the guidance of prospective purchasers, and do not constitute the whole or any part of an offer or contract. (ii) JLL and Parkinson Holt cannot guarantee the accuracy of any description, dimensions, references to condition, necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details contained herein and prospective Purchasers or Lessors must not rely on them as statements of fact or representations and must satisfy themselves as to their accuracy. (iii) no employee of JLL and Parkinson Holt has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty or enter into any contract whatever in relation to the property. (iv) prices/rents quoted in these particulars may be subject to VAT; and (v) JLL and Parkinson Holt will not be liable, in negligence or otherwise, for any loss arising from the use of these particulars. PROPERTY MISDESCRIPTION ACT 1991 - These details are believed to be correct at the time of compilation but may be subject to subsequent amendment..