High quality office suites
from 2,406 - 7,846 sq ft
from 2,406 - 7,846 sq ft


New private function space
on the 6th floor and incubator
space on the 1st
on the 6th floor and incubator
space on the 1st

High quality office suites
from 2,406 - 7,846 sq ft
from 2,406 - 7,846 sq ft

- New reception and welcome experience
- Newly refurbished communal areas
- New fitness studio/private function space
- Newly refurbished office accommodation
- Fitted and furnished offices ready for occupation
- Fully accessible raised floors
- Newly refurbished WCs and
disabled facilities - Storage accommodation

New private function space
on the 6th floor and
incubator space on the 1st
on the 6th floor and
incubator space on the 1st